Barkhuizen familieregister

Au$ 19.51Au$ 11.71

Product Code: 978-1-920429-40-9

Barkhuizen familieregister

Johan Barkhuizen het sedert sy skooldae 'n lewendige belangstelling in sy familiegeskiedenis gehad. Hierdie belangstelling het uiteindelik tot die skryf van hierdie goed-nagevorsde boek aanleiding gegee. Die boek, wat deur omvattende argivale navorsing gekenmerk word, lewer 'n belangrike bydrae tot genealogie in die algemeen en die Barkhuizen familie in besonder. 

Verskeie artikels - soos bv dié oor die DNS projek, die wapen van die familiebond en Anglo-Boereoorlog brokkies - verskaf interessante inligting oor die familie. 'n Groot aantal fotos en sketse, biografiese inligting en familiestories dra by tot 'n gemaklike lees-ervaring.

Die familieregister is baie volledig, danksy die onlangse digitalisering van belangrike databasisse. Die kontak met familielede deur sosiale media het ook daadwerklik bygedra tot die uitbreiding van die register.

Een van Johan se spesiale belangstellings was die lewensverhaal van die stamvader, en sy navorsing in hierdie verband het ook nuwe lig op die stamvader geskyn. 

Die inhoudsopgawe kan hier afgelaai word.

Bladsye:   530

Formaat:  Aflaaibare PDF (±21mb, ge-zip)

Barkhuizen familieregister (Afrikaans)

Johan Barkhuizen's interest in the Barkhuizen family history dates back to his early childhood, after his father purchased a family crest at the Rand Show. This publication provides a welcome and well-researched contribution to genealogy in general and to the Barkhuizen family history in particular. The book is characterised by extensive archival research.

Various articles - eg those on the DNA project, a crest of the Barkhuizen family and snippets from the Anglo-Boer War - provide interesting information about the family. A large number of photos, sketches, biographical information and stories from family members help to make this interesting book an easy read.

The family register is quite comprehensive, mainly due to the recent digitising of important databases. Contact with members of the Barkhuizen family through social media also contributed in to the expansion of the register.

One of Johan's particular interests was the progenitor's background and the story of his life. His extensive research in this regard has shone new light on various aspects of the progenitor's life. 

The Table of Contents and Preface can be downloaded here.

Pages:   530

Format:  Downloadable PDF (±21mb)