Gen Jan Smuts and his long ride

Au$ 17.08Au$ 11.71

Product Code: 978-0-9921745-2-1

General Jan Smuts' epic journey during the Anglo-Boer War epic is retold by Taffy and David Shearing, who specialise in the Cape Colony’s involvement during 1901-1902.  Follow the Smuts story from December 1900 and discover how this Boer leader, faced with overwhelming opposition from the British, decided to campaign in the Cape Colony. He raced through the Orange Free State and crossed the Orange River on 4 September, 1901.

In twelve action-packed weeks, Smuts and his small force fought the British, hunger and starvation, and endured appalling storms in the Eastern Cape. They reached the Zuurberg without food and ate the toxic cycad fruit. Smuts and many of his men were desperately ill, but survived. He arrived in Vanrhynsdorp with his command intact and for the next four months he waged guerrilla warfare until he was called to the Peace negotiations.

His great reputation as a leader was born on the Long Ride.

Each chapter in the book contains a map of the route that has served as a tour guide to many people. There is also a list and the details of the 323 members of the Long Ride they have been able to trace.

The Shearings have followed the Smuts route from the Orange River to Okiep. They have also traced the routes of Jaap van Deventer and a party of stragglers that included Deneys Reitz.

Format : PDF, ± 15mb,  232 pages, English.


In hierdie boek vertel Taffy en David Shearing die epiese verhaal van hoe Generaal Jan Smuts tydens die ABO die Kaapkolonie binnegeval en daar die Britse magte aangedurf het. 

Die Smuts-verhaal neem ‘n aanvang in Desember 1900 en die Shearings vertel hoe Smuts die Vrystaat deurkruis en op 4 September 1901 die Oranjerivier oorgesteek het.

In twaalf aksiebelaaide weke trotseer Smuts en sy klein mag die oormag van die Britse leër. Nie alleen moes hulle die Britse leër takel nie, maar ook hongersnood en stormweer en siekte - toe hulle sonder voedsel by Zuurberg aankom het hulle van die broodboomvrugte ge-eet maar uiters siek geword. Nogtans het hulle oorleef en sonder verlies in VanRhynsdorp aangekom vanwaar hulle vir vier maande guerrilla-oorlog teen die Britte gevoer het voordat Smuts na die Vredesonderhandelings ontbied is.

Die boek bevat kaarte van die invalsmag se roete asook 'n lys en besonderhede van die 323 mense wat die "Long Ride" meegemaak het. Die Shearings het nie alleen Smuts se roete van die Oranjerivier tot Okiep gevolg nie, maar ook die roetes wat deur Jaap van Deventer en ‘n aantal ander (insluitend Deneys Reitz) gevolg is

Formaat: PDF ±15mb, 232 bladsye, Engels.