President Paul Kruger
Au$ 13.17
Product Code: 978-1-920091-11-8
President Paul Kruger
This compelling biography by Johannes Meintjes delves into the extraordinary life of Stephanus Johannes Paulus ("Paul") Kruger, one of South Africa's most iconic and influential leaders. Meintjes brings unparalleled depth and insight to the story of a man whose name is irrevocably woven into the very fabric of South Africa’s history.
Kruger’s remarkable journey is traced across 20 key phases of his life, each capturing the spirit, challenges, and triumphs that defined him. From his early days as a young boy on the trek to his rise as a farmer, warrior, and mediator, the biography illuminates Kruger’s transformation into a commanding presence on the world stage. It chronicles his pivotal role in the fight for independence, his leadership during the First Boer War, and his tenure as President of the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek (ZAR) during a time of seismic change.
The book also delves into Kruger’s complex legacy—his navigation of the Witwatersrand’s gold-fuelled intrigue, his battles against colonial powers, and his final days in exile. Along the way, readers are offered a deeply human portrait of a leader who embodied resilience, determination, and an unshakable commitment to his people.
Spanning 294 pages, this book is a celebration of Paul Kruger’s indomitable spirit and his enduring impact on South Africa’s history. Meintjes’ masterful narrative honours Kruger’s legacy, shedding light on his triumphs and struggles with remarkable clarity and empathy. This biography (PDF format, ±9mb) offers a captivating glimpse into the life of a leader whose vision and courage continue to inspire.
The Table of Contents and List of Illustrations is available here while the Preface can be viewed here.
President Paul Kruger
Hierdie besonderse biografie (in Engels) verskaf ongeëwenaarde diepte en insig in die lewel van ’n man wie se naam onlosmaaklik deel is van Suid-Afrika se geskiedenis. Johannes Meintjes beskryf Paul Kruger se merkwaardige lewe in noukeurige detail, en gee besondere aandag aan die uitdagings en oorwinnings wat hom gedefinieer het.
20 sleutelfases van Kruger se lewe word identifiseer – van sy vroeë dae as ’n jong seun, op trek, jong boer en krygsman, tot sy rol as volksleier en staatsman van internasionale status. Die biografie dokumenteer sy deurslaggewende rol in die stryd om onafhanklikheid, sy leierskap tydens die Eerste Vryheidsoorlog, en sy termyn as President van die Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek (ZAR) gedurende ’n tyd van diepgaande verandering.
Kruger se komplekse nalatenskap kom ook onder die loep —sy hantering van die goud-gedrewe intrige van die Witwatersrand, sy stryd teen koloniale magte en sy laaste dae in ballingskap. Meintjes slaag besonder goed daarin om met buitengewone helderheid en empatie 'n beeld te skep van ’n leier wat met vasberadenheid en onwrikbare toewyding sy volk gelei het.
Die 294-bladsy boek (PDF formaat, ±9mb) is ’n viering van Paul Kruger se onblusbare gees en sy blywende invloed op Suid-Afrika.
Die Inhoudsopgawe en Lys van Illustrasies is hier te siene, terwyl die Voorwoord hier gevind kan word.