Cmdt Johannes Lötter and his rebels
Au$ 17.08Au$ 11.71
Product Code: 0-6202-2781-8
Commandant Johannes Lötter and his rebels
In this interesting book David and Taffy Shearing relate the story of Commandant Johannes Lötter and his Rebels. Lötter was a charming young barman from Rosmead, a junction north of Graaff-Reinet, who decided to fight for the Boer forces during the South African War. Lötter planned a life of high adventure. His recruits were family groups who had no time for military discipline, and standing guard at night was not for them.
When he was driven out of the Sneeuberg, which was his first hide-out, he joined forces with a more experienced commando from the Orange Free State which had invaded the Cape Colony. He was run to earth by Lieut-Col Harry Scobell and 400 men of the 9th Lancers who pursued them relentlessly and captured or killed all 118 men in a shed north of Pearston.
This is a story of Lötter’s last fight, illustrated with photographs of the time. There are details of Lötter’s trial; the entire commando is listed and the story of how they went to Bermuda as prisoners-of-war is also told.
Pages: 72
Format: downloadable PDF
Language: English
In hierdie uiters interessante boek vertel David en Taffy Shearing die verhaal van Kommandant Johannes Lötter en sy Rebelle. Dit is die verhaal van ‘n jong kroegman van Rosmead (noord van Graaff-Reinet) wat tydens die Anglo-Boere-oorlog vir die Boeremagte geveg het. Lötter het n aksiebelaaide avontuur beplan. Sy rekrute was familiegroepe wat nie veel in militêre dissipline belanggestel het nie.
Toe Lötter uit sy eerste skuilplek in die Sneeuberge verdryf is, het hy kragte saamgesnoer met ‘n meer ervare kommando wat die kolonie uit die Vrystaat binnegeval het. Die kommando is deur Lt-kol Harry Scobell en sy 400-sterk 9th Lancers agtervolg en uiteindelik vasgetrek noord van Pearston. Al 118 kommandolede het òf gesneuwel òf is gevange geneem.
Hierdie is ook die verhaal van Lötter se laaste geveg, ryklik geïllustreer met fotos uit die tydperk. Besonderhede van Lötter se verhoor asook ‘n lys van die hele kommando word gegee. Die verhaal van hoe die oorblywende kommandolede na Bermuda as krygsgevangenes gestuur is word ook vertel.
Bladsye: 72
Formaat: Aflaaibare PDF
Taal: Engels