Genealogies of Otto Families
Au$ 24.39
Product Code: 978-1-920091-72-9
Vince Otto se Otto-boek het in 2000 verskyn en het gou baie populêr geword. Die sukses van die boek het ook gelei tot heelwat nuwe inligting wat oor die afgelope jare aangestuur is. Hierdie uitgawe (as aflaaibare PDF) is die resultaat van die bykans-dekade lange bywerkingsproses.
Die inhoudsopgawe word hieronder weergegee, en die inleiding oor die verskillende Otto familietakke kan hiergelees word:
- Voorwoord
- 'n Otto skild
- Die Otto familietakke
- Profiele:
- Die Patriarg Michiel Otto
- Dr Johannes Otto, burgemeester van Johannesburg
- Diederick CJ Otto - Gebroke drome
- Diederick CJ Otto - Oupa
- Ds Justice Otto - die Renaissance man!
- Jan P de B Otto - Held op 'n brandende trein
- Dr Jacob DT Otto - Wie's wie in Geologie
- Cornelius J Otto
- Die Ottos van Brackenfell - 'n storie uit 'n ander tyd
- Dr William J Otto - die goeie dokter
- Petrus AR Otto I - die Natalse Wie's Wie
- Petrus AR Otto II - die Natalse Wie's Wie
- Ryno JP Otto - Held by Albert Falls
- Hendrik J Otto - Waaghalsige ontsnapping
- Cornelius JB Otto - Ottoshoop
- Gerhardus P Otto - die stigter van Ottosdal
- Dr JC Otto - Hoëkommissaris van Venda
- Johan F Otto - "Oom Frikkie beskerm sy skool"
- Die Afstammelinge van:
- Michiel Otto
- Johann Friedrich Otto
- 29 Klein Ottofamilies
- Michiel (A) en Michiel (B1) se testament
- Bronne vir die nageslagte van:
- Michiel Otto
- Johann Friedrich Otto
- 29 klein Ottofamilies
- Register van die nageslagte van:
- Michiel Otto
- Johann Friedrich Otto
- 29 klein Ottofamilies
- Belangrike datums in Suid-Afrikaanse geskiedenis
- So waarheen nou - reunies, opdaterings en organisasies
- Erkennings
411 bladsye, Engels
Formaat: Aflaaibare PDF (CD ook beskikbaar teen 'n addisionele koste).
Vince Otto's Otto book was published in 2000. The popularity of his book led to a large number of additions and corrections sent in for inclusion in a future book. This version (a downloadable PDF) is the result of these additions and corrections over the past number of years.
The table of contents is given below, while the introduction to the various Otto branches can be read here:
- Foreword
- An Otto Coat of Arms
- The Otto family branches
- Profiles:
- The patriarch Michiel Otto
- Dr Johannes Otto, mayor of Johannesburg
- Diederick CJ Otto - Broken dreams
- Diederick CJ Otto - (H6) Oupa
- Ds Justice Otto - Renaissance man!
- Jan P de B Otto - Hero on a burning train
- Dr Jacob DT Otto - Who's who in geology
- Cornelius J Otto - Maintaining Dignity
- The Ottos of Brackenfell - a story from another time
- Dr William J Otto - the Good Doctor
- Petrus AR Otto I - die Natal's Who's Who
- Petrus AR Otto II - die Natal's Who's Who
- Ryno JP Otto - Hero at Albert Falls
- Hendrik J Otto - Daring Escape
- Cornelius JB Otto - Ottoshoop
- Gerhardus P Otto - founder of Ottosdal
- Dr JC Otto - High Commissioner of Venda
- Johan F Otto - "Oom Frikkie beskerm sy skool"
- The descendants of:
- Michiel Otto
- Johann Friedrich Otto
- 29 small Otto families
- Michiel (A) and Michiel (B1) Will and Testament
- Sources for the descendants of:
- Michiel Otto
- Johann Friedrich Otto
- 29 small Otto families
- Register for the descendants of:
- Michiel Otto
- Johann Friedrich Otto
- 29 small Otto families
- Important dates in South African History
- So where do we go from here? Reunions, updates and organisations
- Acknowledgements
411 pages, English
Format: Downloadable PDF file.