Nauhaus: A remarkable Missionary Family

Au$ 17.08

Product Code: 978-0-9921922-4-2

Nauhaus:  A Remarkable Missionary Family

A history of the Nauhaus family, focusing on the four family members who left Germany as missionaries to Southern Africa, set out in the context of their Protestant Christian heritage.

It is not often that genealogical details make for easy reading. In this book, the authors present more than 500 years of their family history in an interesting, informative, yet easily readable manner. This family history is set out in the context of the origins of Protestantism, of the Moravian Missionary Movement, and of the activities of the Berlin Missionary Society in Southern Africa. Also included are the biographies of the Moravian missionary Carl Friedrich Nauhaus and his three nephews, the Berlin missionaries Carl Theodor Nauhaus, Friedrich Wilhelm Nauhaus and Carl August Ferdinand Nauhaus, all of whom left Germany in the nineteenth century for mission services in Southern Africa. Much of the detail has never before been published, including the importance of the role of Carl August Ferdinand Nauhaus as a Volksraad member during the founding years of the Orange Free State. As such, this book is of much wider importance than simply being a family history of relevance only to Nauhaus descendants.

The authors are mother-and- son team Frieda and Michael Honiball (a retired school teacher/bookkeeper  and an attorney/professor of taxation respectively)

The table of contents is as follows:

1. Carl Friedrich Nauhaus

  1. Early Forefathers
  2. Historical Context
  3. The Early Years of Carl Friedrich Nauhaus
  4. The Moravians at the Cape
  5. The Mission Work of Carl Friedrich Nauhaus
  6. The Impact of the Frontier Wars
  7. The Closing Years      

2. Carl Theodor Nauhaus

  1. Growing up in Rathenow
  2. The Berlin Missionary Society
  3. Carl Theodor Nauhaus enters Mission Service
  4. Service as Superintendent
  5. The Eldest Son Moves to Matabeleland
  6. The Boer War
  7. Their Children continue in Missionary Service
  8. Walter Leopold Nauhaus      

3. Friedrich and Ferdinand Nauhaus

  1. Family Background
  2. Departure for South Africa
  3. The Shiloh Mission Station
  4. The Arrival of Carl August Ferdinand Nauhaus
  5. The Eighth Frontier War
  6. Ending their Mission Service
  7. Farmers in the Orange River Sovereignty
  8. Founding Member of the Volksraad
  9. Farming Life
  10. Death and Hardships
  11. The Ravages of the Boer War
  12. Fred Nauhaus Marries a Huguenot Descendant
  13. The Impact of The First World War
  14. The Current Generation  

Family Tree: The Descendants of Martin Nauhaus

Format: PDF downloadable/emailable file
Pages : 168 (English)
ISBN :978-0-9921922-4-2

Nauhaus:  A Remarkable Missionary Family

Hierdie boek van 168 bladsye verskaf 'n geskiedenis van die Nauhaus familie, met spesifieke fokus op die vier familielede wat Duistland as sendelinge na Suider-Afrika verlaat het, geset teen die agtergrond van hul Protestants- Christelike herkoms.

Genealogiese besonderhede is selde gemaklike leesstof, maar in hierdie boek bied die outeurs sowat 500 jaar se familiegeskiedenis in 'n interessante dog lesersvriendelike format aan.

Die familiegeskiedenis word uiteengesit in die konteks van die oorsprong van Protestantisme - oftewel van die Morawiese beweging - asook van die aktiwiteite van die Berlynse Sendinggenootskap in Suider-Afrika. Die biografieë van die Morawiese sendeling Carl Friedrich Nauhaus and sy drie neefs, Berlynse sendelinge Carl Theodor Nauhaus, Friedrich Wilhelm Nauhaus en Carl August Ferdinand Nauhaus word ook ingesluit. Genoemde vier sendelinge het Duitsland in die negentiende eeu verlaat om as sendelinge na Suider-Afrika te kom.

Meeste van die besonderhere in hierdie boek is nog nie vantevore publiseer nie, insluitende die belangrike rol van Carl August Ferdinand Nauhaus as 'n Volksraadslid gedurende die stigtingsjare van die Oranje Vrystaat. Die boek is gevolglik van meer belang in 'n wyere konteks as bloot 'n familiegeskiedenis vir die Nauhaus afstammelinge.

Die outeurs is Frieda and Michael Honiball (onderskeidelik 'n afgetrede onderwyseres/boekhouer en 'n prokureur/professor in belasting).

Die inhoudsopgawe is as volg:

1. Carl Friedrich Nauhaus

  1. Early Forefathers
  2. Historical Context
  3. The Early Years of Carl Friedrich Nauhaus
  4. The Moravians at the Cape
  5. The Mission Work of Carl Friedrich Nauhaus
  6. The Impact of the Frontier Wars
  7. The Closing Years      

2. Carl Theodor Nauhaus

  1. Growing up in Rathenow
  2. The Berlin Missionary Society
  3. Carl Theodor Nauhaus enters Mission Service
  4. Service as Superintendent
  5. The Eldest Son Moves to Matabeleland
  6. The Boer War
  7. Their Children continue in Missionary Service
  8. Walter Leopold Nauhaus      

3. Friedrich and Ferdinand Nauhaus

  1. Family Background
  2. Departure for South Africa
  3. The Shiloh Mission Station
  4. The Arrival of Carl August Ferdinand Nauhaus
  5. The Eighth Frontier War
  6. Ending their Mission Service
  7. Farmers in the Orange River Sovereignty
  8. Founding Member of the Volksraad
  9. Farming Life
  10. Death and Hardships
  11. The Ravages of the Boer War
  12. Fred Nauhaus Marries a Huguenot Descendant
  13. The Impact of The First World War
  14. The Current Generation  

Family Tree: The Descendants of Martin Nauhaus

Formaat: Aflaaibare/eposbare PDF lêer
Bladsye : 168 (Engels)
ISBN :978-0-9921922-4-2