President Steyn
Au$ 13.17
Product Code: 978-1-920091-12-5
President Steyn
At the turn of the 19th century, two towering figures shaped South African history: Paul Kruger of the South African Republic and Marthinus Theunis Steyn of the Orange Free State. This masterful biography by Johannes Meintjes offers a vivid, deeply personal portrait of MT Steyn’s life, his unwavering principles, and the turbulent times in which he lived.
Born a proud Republican, Steyn’s journey took him from a small Free State farm to the hallowed halls of Oxford, where he read law. A man of integrity and vision, he harboured no resentment toward Britain or its people, and his early career saw him mediating between Britain and the Transvaal over the "Uitlander question." Yet, when war broke out, Steyn remained resolute in his refusal to agree to peace at the cost of independence, even when many of his fellow countrymen maintained that the Boer cause was irrevocably lost. Though his health was broken by the war, he later also played a pivotal role in the struggles and rebellion of his homeland.
In 20 compelling chapters, Meintjes paints a vivid picture of Steyn’s life:
1. Background
2. Boyhood
3. In Europe as Student
4. From Advocate to Judge
5. The Presidency
6. A Second President Brand
7. Steyn, Milner and Kruger
8. The Bloemfontein Conference
9. The Mediator
10. Steyn and the War
11. The Roving Government
12. On Commando
13. Travels and Adventures
14. To the Bitter End
15. The War is Over
16. The Roving Invalid
17. Onzerust
18. Men and Monuments
19. Schism and Rebellion
20. Death of a Hero
Meintjes not only portrays Steyn’s character with clarity and empathy but situates his life within the broader sweep of South African history, offering readers a nuanced understanding of his legacy.
This well-written biography (272 pages, in PDF format, ±62mb) is a tribute to Steyn’s courage, his unyielding commitment to his people, and his enduring status as a figure of national importance.
President Steyn
Aan die einde van die 19de eeu was daar 2 politieke figure wat 'n onteenseglike invloed op die toekoms en geskiedenis van Suid-Afrika sou hê: Paul Kruger van die Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek en Marthinus Theunis Steyn van die Oranje-Vrystaat. Hierdie boek (in Engels) bied ’n histories-akkurate dog intieme beeld van Steyn se lewe, sy onwrikbare beginsels, en die onstuimige tye waarin hy geleef het.
Die trotse Republikein se lewensreis het op ’n klein Vrystaatse plaas begin, maar hy sou ook diep spore trap in Oxford waar hy in die regte studeer het. As persoon van integriteit het hy nie enige wrok Brittanje of sy Engelse landgenote gekoester nie – tewens, vroeg reeds het hy tydens die gespanne Uitlander-geskille as bemiddelaar tussen Brittanje en die ZAR opgetree. Nietemin het hy geweier om in ruil vir vrede die Republieke se onafhanklikheid prys te gee, en met die uitbreek van die oorlog het Steyn vasberade by sy ideale en beginsels gehou. Alhoewel sy gesondheid 'n groot terugslag in die oorlog gekry het, het hy ook na die oorlog 'n sleutelrol gespeel in sy vaderland se stryd.
Meintjes beeld Steyn se lewe in 20 boeiende hoofstukke uit:
1. Background
2. Boyhood
3. In Europe as Student
4. From Advocate to Judge
5. The Presidency
6. A Second President Brand
7. Steyn, Milner and Kruger
8. The Bloemfontein Conference
9. The Mediator
10. Steyn and the War
11. The Roving Government
12. On Commando
13. Travels and Adventures
14. To the Bitter End
15. The War is Over
16. The Roving Invalid
17. Onzerust
18. Men and Monuments
19. Schism and Rebellion
20. Death of a Hero
Meintjes se duidelike dog empatiese beskrywing van Steyn se karakter teen die breëre milieu van Suid-Afrikaanse geskiedenis gee die leser 'n meer genuanseerde insig in hierdie leidsman, sy invloed en sy geskiedkundige nalatenskap.
Die biografie van 272 bladsye (in PDF formaat, ±62mb) is 'n huldeblyk aan Steyn se moed, sy onwrikbare toewyding aan sy volk en ook sy blywende status as 'n figuur van nasionale belang.