The Swiss at the Cape of Good Hope, 1652-1971

Au$ 13.17

Product Code: 978-1-920429-00-3

Adolphe Linder's 500+ page book details the history of Swiss at the Cape between 1652 and 1971. The book was published in 1997, but the author has provided not only some inserted notes but also a complete reworked version of the main section of the book for inclusion in this electronic edition.


In addition to an introduction to Swiss family names, origins of the Swiss arrivals, the location of the Swiss at the Cape as well as a description of Dutch money (with English equivalents), the book comprises of the following chapters: (a detailed list of the items covered in each chapter can be downloaded here.


1. Company servants and settlers 1652-1795 (144 pages)

2. Arrivals during the transition to British Colonial Rule (44 pages)

3. Swiss immigration during the colonial period 1820-1945 (198 pages)

4. Immigration 1946-1971 (8 pages)

5. Trade between South Africa and Switzerland (9 pages)

6. The Missions (57 pages)


Of particular interest is the detailed listing of the arrivals in chronological order (a sample page can be downloaded here.)


Some 30-odd photos and illustrations as well as 24 Summary Tables are also included. A listing of the photos, maps and tables can be downloaded here.


English, 527 pages.




Adolphe Linder se 500+ bladsy boek beskryf die geskiedenis van die Switserse immigrante na die Kaap in die periode 1652 tot 1971. Die boek is in 1997 publiseer, maar die outeur het nie alleen die boek van addisionele handgeskrewe bywerkings voorsien nie, maar ook 'n volledige bywerkiing van die eerste gedeelte van die boek, wat ook in hierdie weergawe ingesluit word.


By wyse van inleiding verskaf Linder 'n agtergrond tot Switserse vanne, die oorsprong van die Switserse immigrante asook hul verspreiding aan die Kaap en 'n beskrywing van die Hollandse geldstelsel met Engelse ekwivalente.



Die boek word verder in die volgende hoofstukke verdeel ('n gedetaileerde lys van items wat onder elke hoof gedek word, kan hier afgelaai word):



1. Company servants and settlers 1652-1795 (144 bladsye)

2. Arrivals during the transition to British Colonial Rule (44 bladsye)

3. Swiss immigration during the colonial period 1820-1945 (198 bladsye)

4. Immigration 1946-1971 (8 bladsye)

5. Trade between South Africa and Switzerland (9 bladsye)

6. The Missions (57 bladsye)


Van besondere belang is die gedetaileerde kronologiese lys van die immigrante ('n voorbeeld kan hier afgelaai word).



Meer as 30 fotos en illustrasies asook 24 tabelle word ook ingesluit  ('n lys van die fotos, kaarte en tabelle kan hier afgelaai word).


Engels, 527 bladsye