The Anglo-Boer War: A Pictorial History

Au$ 14.64

Product Code: 978-1-920429-03-4.

In this remarkable book, well-known author Johannes Meintjes depicts the course of the Anglo-Boer War in pictorial fashion. Containing close to 400 photos, the book traces the war in five main stages:

  • Before the war;
  • The Boer Offensive;
  • The First British Offensive;
  • The Second British Offensive;and
  • The Guerilla War.

Each of the above chapters traces the development of that particular stage of the conflict. The photographs are combined with a brief commentary/analysis, written in Meintjes' easy-to-follow style.  An index of the photos can be downloaded here.



192 pages, English


Format: downloadable PDF of ±178mb


In hierdie besonderse boek, skets die bekende outeur Johannes Meintjes die verloop van die Anglo-Boere Oorlog in beeld. In bykans 400 fotos word die verloop  in vyf stadiums uitgebeeld:

  • Before the war;
  • The Boer Offensive;
  • The First British Offensive;
  • The Second British Offensive; en
  • The Guerilla War.

 Elk van die hoofstukke beskryf dan in beeld die verloop van daardie fase van die konflik. Die fotos word aangevul met kommentaar/analise in Meintjes se maklik-leesbare styl. 'n Indeks van die fotos wat in die boek ingesluit is, kan hierafgelaai word.


192 bladsye, Engels.

Formaat: aflaaibare PDF van ±178mb