The Rebel Record
Au$ 58.55
Product Code: THE6GT9I89
This PDF contains a dictionary of the 15,433 Cape colonists who joined the Transvaal and Orange Free State forces as Cape Rebels during the South African War of 1899-1902. It is a book for military historians, genealogists and anybody interested in their family.
It comprises the database that Taffy Shearing created during the writing of her doctoral dissertation of 2004 at the University of Stellenbosch, entitled The Cape Rebel of the South African War, 1899-1902. The PDF file includes all three A4 volumes, 982 pages, and has a full list of sources for further research.
The list contains full names, addresses, and even voter and ward numbers where possible, in order to identify people who had the same family names. Surrendered rebels and those who were captured under arms were first divided into Class 1 (the leaders who were gaoled) and Class 2 (the followers who were disfranchised). It was in 1901 when Martial Law returned that 32 Cape Rebels were sentenced to death by Military Courts and executed for High Treason under arms, to the horror of their families, who thought the Cape Parliament was protecting them. An example from one of the pages is illustrated below.
For the family historian searching for roots in the South African War, there are no hard and fast rules when searching for records. Many rebel prisoners-of-war gave false addresses, and it was only after many years that these were discovered and the corrections made. This is a must for South African genealogists and military historians.
An example of the information in this publication appears at the bottom of the Afrikaans description.
Format: Downloadable PDF ± 7mb, 982 pages, English.
(A three-set volume is also available in hard copy form the authors. Details can be provided on request.)
Hierdie e-boek bevat die besonderhede van die 15,433 koloniale burgers wat tydens die ABO by die magte van die Vrystaat en Transvaal aangesluit het as 'Kaapse rebelle'.Die boek is 'n ideale bron vir krygshistorici, genealoë en enigiemand wat in familienavorsing belangstel.
Die databasis is baseer op die navorsing wat Taffy Shearing vir haar doktorsgraad aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch gedoen het. Hierdie e-boek bevat al 3 volumes van die werk en beslaan sowat 982 bladsye. 'n Volledige lys van bronne word ook aangegee.
Die lys sluit o.a die betrokkenes se volle name en adresse in. Waar beskikbaar word selfs stembesonderhede ingesluit. Rebelle is aanvanklik in 2 klasse verdeel: die leiers (wat in die gevangenis geplaas is) en die "volgelinge" wat hul stemreg verloor het. Na die herinstelling van krygswet in 1901 is 32 rebelle deur militêre howe tot die dood veroordeel vir hoogverraad en tereggestel.
'n Voorbeeld van die besonderhede wat vir individue aangedui word, verskyn hieronder.
Formaat: Aflaaibare PDF ±7mb, 982 bladsye, Engels.
('n hardekopie is ook direk van die outeurs beskikbaar. Besonderhede sal op versoek verstrek word)